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How To Keep Your Cat From Running Out The Door When You Have Dogs And A Pet Door

If you own both cats and dogs, you may already be familiar with the conundrum of how to let your dog outside while keeping your cat inside. Dogs love the freedom of going outside whenever they need through their pet door just as must as cats love to slip through the flap. It can be […]

Do Dogs Have Belly Buttons?

Do Dogs Have Belly Buttons?

Even if you are a life-long dog lover, you may be surprised to learn that dogs have belly buttons, just like humans. Like most other mammals, their belly button (also known as the umbilicus) is a residual scar from where the placenta of the mother is attached to the puppy in the womb. dog using […]

At What Age Can Puppies Bark?

At What Age Can Puppies Bark?

There is nothing cuter than a newborn pup. If you have never raised a litter from birth before, you may be unaware dogs do not bark as soon as they are born. Often, young pups have to rely on whines and touch in order to communicate their needs during the first few weeks of their […]

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